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Tue Dec 10th, 2024 @ 12:05pm

Captain Rob Haines

Name Rob Andrew Haines

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 50

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 225
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Rob stands 6'2" and has a rugged build. Although not an ugly man by any means, looking at him it is easy to tell that he has lived a rough life. The most prominent clue is a quarter inch wide scar that runs from his right cheek just below the eye diagonally down to just above his lip. Much of the scar is hidden behind a salt and peppered beard. His hands and arms are covered with little rough spots and minor scars. In his favor, he has piercing blue eyes that seem to twinkle a bit.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Adm. Jeffry Haines (deceased)
Mother Dr. Lana Haines (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Uncle: Lcdr. Jared Haines, (retired)
Aunt: Meriane Haines
Cousins: Lieutenant Amanda Haines, Chief Science Officer, USS Merriweather

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rob is in general a friendly individual prone to jokes and pranks. He is also fiercely loyal to his crewmates, friends, and others he considers friends. Given recent events in his life however, he has grown to be a bit depressed. Although he has always been known to be able to drink heavily when out with friends, he has become a bit too familiar with the lady alcohol while in private, often drinking free time away.

In a professional setting he expects the best out of himself and those he works with. Most come out on top of the arrangement, because once Rob knows you can meet his expectations, there isn’t much he wouldn’t do for them.
He is a humble officer and won’t ask of anyone something he wouldn’t do himself.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Rob is highly skilled with phasers and disruptors of most makes and models, has a black belt in karate, is a decent small craft pilot, and is a highly skilled infiltrator. His training chief in spec op school once said of him,” The boy could hide in a person's underwear while they were wearing it and they would never notice.

Rob is a very good gambler and he is a silent partner in an Orion's bar/gambling club where Rob once broke the bank and the owner couldn't pay up. So, he made a deal to get a cut of the winnings every month.

Black belt karate

Adept Andorian Mikta (Nerve strikes)

Friends in “Low Places”

Cybernetic leg that has been modified with special compartments that can hold very small things


When in a normal frame of mind, Rob is headstrong and cocky. There isn't a thing he can't do. Just ask him, he'll tell you. Oh and he is so modest too. He's not met too many ladies he hasn't liked (or at least tried to like.)

He also isn't that politically savvy. Many senior officers have told him that he needs to learn to read the writing on the wall when it comes to the politics in Starfleet.

Right now, his biggest weakness is that he is dwelling on things that have happened in his recent past.

Cybernetic leg
Ambitions His current ambition is to find some direction, something that he feels he has been missing for quite a while. It takes him quite a bit to work towards this as he is often trying to drown sorrows. He also doesn't want to let his friends and crew down.

Hobbies & Interests Rob likes 20th/21st rock and roll and plays the electric guitar. He likes working out and practicing martial arts, the Andorian version of lacrosse, scuba diving and swimming, gambling.

Languages: Federation Standard, Andorian, Klingon(mainly curses and a few key phrases), Romulan (fluent)

Personal History Rob comes from a big Starfleet family going back a century and a half. He was born on the U.S.S. Montana where his father was the XO. It was expected of him to go to the academy. It wasn't expected of him, however, to have such poor marks in school to barely squeak into Academy after his father used up some favors owed to him when he became captain of the Ulysses. It was also not expected of him to go into the security field. All other Haines' had been either in the command or sciences tracks. It was also not expected of him to graduate 297th out of a class of 305. And despite his father's efforts to make it otherwise, it was not expected for him to be assigned to an agricultural freighter that frequented Andoria, Tellor, Vulcan, and Earth.

Rob's career was on a fast track to nowhere when the Dominion war started. Rob's father's ship was one of the first that was listed as being destroyed. Luckily, his mother has been on earth visiting a friend. When this happened, Starfleet dusted off the Special Forces unit. Originally denied entrance, Rob worked his butt off, gained a promotion, and was brought into the Special Forces training. Rob excelled with a burning focus in the training and graduated with honors. (The first time in his life since early grade school.)

In one of the missions against the founders, his team found a prison base, amongst the prisoners was his father. They had come too late as his father very sick and had not been treated. The medic said if they had made it a week earlier they could have saved him. His father died with him at his side.

After a brief time off for bereavement, Rob's re-vitalized career came to an about face after his team prevented an Admiral from being assassinated by a Dominion spy. The intelligence officer doing the debriefing made the mistake of questioning his team's loyalty, suggesting they were able to stop the spy, because they were helping him. The intelligence officer found himself in sickbay with a broken nose and arm. Rob found himself in a cell waiting for a trial.

Rob was convicted of striking a superior officer and sent to prison. He stayed there until after the Dominion war when an Admiral wanted to keep the Special Forces unit running. The Admiral believed that with the galaxy in such an unstable condition that this type of team would be needed. Given that most of the Special Forces unit had been killed in the war or retired, the Admiral petitioned Starfleet to re-instate Rob. It seemed in his recruitment effort, the Admiral was collecting all sorts of individuals with shady histories. After a week of deliberation, Starfleet granted the Admiral's request and Rob was re-instated.

Rob kept his nose clean realizing that this was a second chance. He worked hard, excelled, and was even promoted and made second officer in charge of the unit. It was also here that he met the first woman whom he fell in love with. She would also cause his eventual downward spiral.

Three weeks had been the longest relationship that Rob had ever had with a woman. When he met the Chief Medical Officer of the unit Aine O'Flaherty, he fell hard for her. He fell so hard for her, that he stopped chasing other women. She was a red-haired beauty; fiery, independent, and spirited. It was all for naught as she didn't feel the same way. In fact, she despised him. It didn't matter to him and he always tried to find a way to just get the chance to try.

The CMO herself, like most in the unit, had a shady past and it started to haunt her. She eventually tried to sneak away to earth to deal with it. Rob noticed and he followed her. He logged the doctor being missing as a 'training mission'.

He met up with her on earth at the place he knew she would go, Ireland, where her home was. It seems that the doctor had been forced to do some medical experiments for a black ops arm of an unofficial unit in Intelligence. They needed her to do more and they were putting the squeeze on her family so she would. With Rob's help she managed to find who seemed to be the ring leader. Although he "officially" tried to stop her from killing the man, he didn't try hard.

The two were later apprehended and without her knowledge, Rob played the game of politics right once in his life, as not only was a crewmate's career on the line, it was his love's career on the line. As Starfleet needed a fall guy in all the commotion, he agreed to take a demotion for insubordination. In exchange he agreed not to blow the lid on the ordeal. In addition, Starfleet and any of its special units would leave Aine and her family alone.

Rob left the hearing room and was met by Aine. When she heard what he did, she got very mad at him. She never liked him helping her. Not only did it go against her sense of independence, it was also because it was him. The argument was the last time they ever spoke. Someone in the special intelligence project had not taken too kindly to Rob and Aine's actions. As she was yelling at him, Rob noticed someone pointing a weapon at them. Although he tried, he could not prevent her from being shot. And unfortunately, the assassin was good and the shot killed her instantly. Rob managed to make the distance between to the man before he could shoot again. Although it would have been nice to have a prisoner, Rob's rage got the better of him and threw him over the edge of the 2nd floor balcony they were on.

After three weeks of counseling and grieving, Rob was cleared for duty and requested to be assigned to the intelligence division. He knew the trail to his answers would begin there.

The first mission Rob was on in the intelligence division went horribly wrong. This was by design as he had inherited Aine’s enemies and they wanted him out of the picture. His team’s small runabout was intercepted by a new brand of pirates, simply known as snatchers. The snatchers were traffickers of individuals.

Sometimes the purchaser just wanted certain parts of an individual. Other times they wanted the whole person (on a buffet table). Other times they wanted them alive for slaves of some sort. Rob fell into the third category.

Rob was brought to a world in Ferengi space. Like on most Ferengi worlds, as long as you had enough money to pay the bribes, anything went. Rob was forced to fight in gladiator rings for two years. By fighting well and doing certain extracurricular activities for his female owner, (an onyx skinned orion who had been genetically altered), including roughing up enemies, assassinations, and being her ‘boy toy’, he gained himself enough freedom to gain access to a communications system and get word to the Federation and get rescued. His owner placed a bounty on his head and wants him returned.

Rob went through extensive psychological and physical rehabilitation. He had to have his right calf replaced by a cybernetic replacement due to an infected wound that had never healed properly. During his recovery, Rob took advanced command courses through the academy. When he came out of rehab, he became a full time instructor at the Academy.

Thinking his career was in its twilight years, Rob was surprised when a friend came a knocking…
Service Record Starfleet Academy, 2360-2364
U.S.S. Thomaston, 2364-2373
Special Ops Training, 2373-2374
Special Forces Unit 1, 2374-2374
Prisoner, 2374-2376
Special Forces, Ft. Pierce 2nd Officer, 2376 - 2383
MIA (classified information) 2383-2385
Psychological and Physical Rehab, 2385 – 2386
Starfleet Academy, 2386 - 2390
USS Athena, 2390 - present