Romulan Republic

Created by Captain Paul Griffon on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 7:15pm

The history of the Romulans prior to the sim can be found at Memory Beta. Any references to events in Discovery or Picard do not apply.


After the chaos of Romulus' destruction died down some, the Romulan people had to come up with a new government. After much, quick, debate, it was decided based on a number of factors that the new government of the Romulans would be a Republic.

The current base of Senators and a few newly elected ones were the legislative body. The Executive leadership was a council of three. A new court system was also created.

The current leadership council comprises of:

Jisit s'Hei, a retired senator (Female)

Kerih s'Droall s'Melanth, a retired Romulan Commander who only recently joined politics (male)

Thue s'Sathe, A relatively young business woman who helped support many refugees. She is especially popular with younger Romulans. (female)

Categories: Groups & Governments