Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2024 @ 7:12am by Captain Paul Griffon
168 words; about a 1 minute read
Rescue Interruptus
Location: In orbit of Aramal III
Timeline: MD 01, 1110
Captains Log, 67106.8958,
We have arrived in the Aramal system. The slipstream drive worked perfectly. The sensation when it is activated is rather intriguing. I felt like my insides were being tickled. I hope I get used to it in the future should we have more need to use it.
The Venture is present, and her captain is planet-side meeting with local leaders. I will join him shortly. The view of the impacted area from space is rather surreal and wonderous. I don't think being on the planet will give the same impression. It will probably still be awe inspiring, but frightful, not wonderous. I can only imagine what the citizens are feeling right now.
My crew has begun their work on the tasks I assigned. Despite some of them being green under the collar, I have complete faith in them having watched their careers develop. I have no doubt their efforts will be of great assistance to the Aramalians.
End Log.
Captain Griffon
Commanding Officer